shopping-crowdI love research-based stats.

Stats about anything marketing and mobile technology related are part of my life.

I collect them like some people collect beach glass. Not just stats, I also collect the full-text research papers and keep my favorites in a folder for easy reference. 

So for you, today, I’m pulling from my favorites and sharing 11 of the most convincing stats I’ve found that show that – Yes, Your Website Can Be a Huge Source of Leads!.

Fact #1: Many Companies Are Successfully Using Their Website to Generate Leads

1. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is one of the top lead generation sources cited by marketers. (Hubspot, 2013)

2. Case Study of a website redesign that led to a 34% increase in revenue. (MarketingSherpa, 2011)

3. 57% of companies with a blog have generated a lead from it. (Hubspot, 2011)

4. B2B companies that blog generate 67% more leads than those who don’t. (WebDAM, 2014)

5. The average conversion rate of website visitors to leads is 10%, industry-wide.  (Hubspot, 2013)

6. 34% of the leads marketers generated in 2013 came from inbound marketing sources — vs. 22% from outbound. (Hubspot, 2013)

Fact #2: Buyers Go Online to Look for Vendors

7. 46% of business buyers say the first source of information used when they began their solution research was web search, followed by the vendor’s website at 18%. (DemandGen, 2014)

8. 78% of B2B buyers say Web Search and Vendor Websites influenced their selection of solution providers at the start of their search process. (DemandGen, 2012)

9. 89% of consumers surveyed use Internet search engines to make purchasing decisions. (Fleishman-Hillard and Harris Interactive, 2012)

10. B2B buyers find 70% of the content they read and study before making a purchase decision (using search, communities, discussion forums, websites, and blogs), rather than receiving it from marketing or sales. (, 2013)

11. 43% agree that “Content marketing has a positive impact on my purchasing decisions.” (Content Marketing Association)

In a Nutshell

Your company website can absolutely be a viable source of new leads for your sales team. In this day and age more and more buyers are turning to online sources of information to help them make their purchasing decisions.

Is your website optimized for lead generation?